Published inEntrepreneurship HandbookWhat It Takes To Lead Gen X — Z During This Hot MessThe leadership job has changed dramatically in the past two decadesJan 20, 20238Jan 20, 20238
She’s Not Strategic, the sequel: Women are over-mentored and under-sponsoredHundreds of women and dozens of men have reached out to me since I published The Real Reason Women Aren’t Getting Ahead In Tech: She’s Not…Mar 28, 20212Mar 28, 20212
The Real Reason Women Aren’t Getting Ahead in Tech: “She’s Not Strategic”Before I explain “She’s not strategic,” I’d like to give you a bit of background. I’m 38 years old and a two-time CMO for tech companies…Aug 22, 202099Aug 22, 202099
The Dark Side of Gender EqualityAs a female tech leader who advocates for equality, I’ve noticed some things about my conduct lately that are questionable.Oct 5, 20163Oct 5, 20163
Dear SaaS CEO’s: Here’s the Secret to Happier CustomersAnd making your job much easier.Apr 26, 2016Apr 26, 2016
The “Women in Tech” convo needs more menUgh. That title! I wrote it and it makes me see red. Like we’re damsels in distress, waiting for our knight in shining armor to arrive and…Apr 8, 201617Apr 8, 201617
The two things I learned testing my message with 13-year-oldsI’m on a mission to create a simple message that a 13-year-old could understand.Mar 1, 2016Mar 1, 2016
Published inCustomer DrivenDear marketing tech: Stop trapping my dataTo all my marketing tech vendors: Why can’t you just play nice with each other?Feb 19, 2016Feb 19, 2016
Published inCustomer Driven3 #majorkeys that will help moms grow in techIf you haven’t already, meet DJ Khaled. Producer, radio host, DJ, record exec, and all around winner. Recently upped his fame factor with…Feb 10, 2016Feb 10, 2016